Come Fly With Me! Fly Guy Meets Fly Girl by Tedd Arnold
Buzz and Fly Guy went walking.
A girl was running. A fly was chasing her.
"Don't worry," said Buzz. "Flies aren't pests. They are pets!"
"I know!" said the girl. "This is my pet. Her name is Fly Girl."
Talk about your cute meets! In the best movieland romance tradition, Fly Guy and Fly Girl are instant soul mates. Fly Guy can say his boy's name--"BUZZ!" but Fly Girl can say her girl's name, too--"LIZZ!" Any aeronautical maneuver that Fly Guy can muster, Fly Girl can match or best. They share a common interest in disgusting green goos of all kinds. And the attraction is mutual between them. Soon the two are muttering sweet nothings to each other:"WUZZLE WUZZLE!
In no time the two muscae domesticae are pitching serious woo and thinking of setting up their own domestic partnership in an empty dog food can with "Home Sweet Home" over the door. But what about Buzz and Liz? Can the two enamoradas abandon their best friends even for domestic bliss in the garbage dumpster?

Labels: Beginning Readers (Grades K-2), Flies--Fiction, Friendship Stories
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