"Fangs A Lot!": Simms Taback's Great Big Book of Spacey Snakey Buggy Riddles by Katy Hall and Lisa Eisenbert
What animal has the most ticks?
Early elementary kids love riddles, and with those reigning royals of riddledom, Katy Hall and Lisa Eisenberg, as the riddlemeisters and two-time Caldecott artist Simms Taback responsible for the illustrious illustrations, Simms Taback's Great Big Book of Spacey, Snakey, Buggy Riddles
What do bugs have that no other animal has?
Baby buggies!
Hall and Eisenberg limit themselves here to riddles about space, snakes, and bugs, but for these jolly jokesters, that is no limitation. Martians, anacondas, queen bees, spiders--they've got a joke for all of them.
What do spiders like with their hamburgers?
French flies!
Simms Taback's comic flair and strong use of color contrast works perfectly with the format of one riddle per page. Making frequent use of his trademark black backgrounds, he uses strong lines and glowing colors which make his silly characters seem almost three dimensional.
Why shouldn't you grab a snake's tail?
It's only his tail, but it could be your END!
But it's okay to grab Simms Taback's Great Big Book of Spacey, Snakey, Buggy Riddles,
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