Sam's Sleigh Ride: Santa's Stowaway by Brandon Dorman
It was Christmas in Santa's workshop.
"HO, HO, HO!" said Santa to the elves. "It's time for the final inspection."
Sam was excited. It was his first year working in the toy shop...., but as Santa turned to leave, Sam asked, "Santa, why do we work so hard making all these toys? Why does Christmas matter?"
A light began to sparkle in Santa's eyes. "You'll have find that out for yourself."
It's easy to see where this one is going. Sam stows away on Santa's sleigh and is off for the midnight ride, soaring through the blue-black, star-studded night sky, landing on snowy roofs and stealing down chimneys behind Santa as he makes his stops. But it is only when Santa is caught in the act by a shy and wakeful small girl and Sam sees the look in the child's eyes when St. Nick puts the doll Sam made into her arms that Sam finally feels what makes Christmas matter. Santa smiles wisely, having sensed Sam's presence all along:
"You're very clever, my little friend." he said.
"You see, Sam, each year one curious elf stows away on my sleigh to discover what makes Christmas special. And did you find your answer?"

Labels: Christmas Stories, Santa Claus Stories (Grades Preschool-2)
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