Small World: All The World by Liz Garton Scanlon
Moat to dig, a shell to keep.
All the world is wide and deep.
Deep in winter, it's good to remember the days of last summer, now slipping into the haze of times past. Days of digging on the beach and washing the perfect shell in the sea and taking it home to keep forever. Days of farmers' markets, of picking just the right tomatoes and corn displayed for us like jewels, wrought from the dark earth and the golden sun. Days of dodging cool raindrops that spoil our afternoon plans and send us clattering, scattering our treasures as we scoot for sudden shelter.
Better luck another day.
All the world goes round this way.
Days of playing with cousins, hugging grandparents, having supper under warm lights while the windows fade into dusky rectangles around the table.
Spreading shadows, setting sun.
Crickets, curtains. Day is done.
Winner of a 2010 Caldecott Honor Award, Liz Scanlon's little world of sand buckets, red wagons, and summer play, All the World
All the world is here, it is there.
All the world is right where you are.
To Scanlon's simple, soothing text Marla Frazee, winner of a 2009 Caldecott for A Couple of Boys Have the Best Week Ever,
Labels: Beaches--Fiction, Caldecott Award Books (Ages 2-6), Family Stories, Stories in Rhyme
Marla Frazee spoke at a small writer's workshop I attended. She shared some of the early illustrations along with the hows and whys of the revisions. It was illluminated for this author to hear. Marla is always generous with her time and knowledge.
Mary Ann Dames, M.S., R.D., at 7:05 PM
This is a story perfect for humble people, I'd like to read those stories because those ones make us see the real reality I mean that's what they want to represent, it's based on.
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