Digital Dialog: Wumbers by Amy Krouse Rosenthal
"Would you like some honey to swee10 your tea?"
"Yes. That would be 1derful. Oh, and I just love your 2-2!"
"It's words from numbers!" proclaims the cover of Amy Krous Rosenthall's and Tom Lichtenheld's new collaboration, Wumbers
Even music teachers can get into the act!
She's learning to play the 2ba.
"Tigh10 your mouth... then 4ce out the air."
Kids already into texting will be in the 4front, f8ed to take to this game in10sely right from the first page, but the rest won't w8 long before they, 2, will be exhilar8ed to join in, cre8ing their own Wumbers.
And to ex10d the top-r8ed fun, pair this 1 with Rosenthall's gr8 altern8 wordplay book, This Plus That: Life's Little Equations,
Labels: (Grades 1-5), Numbers--Fiction, Puzzles--Fiction
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