Field Trip! A Day at the Farm by Severine Cordier
Three kids don their mud boots and jackets and climb into the family car for a trip to the country. It seems a long, are-we-there-yet ride, but it is worth the wait, as they arrive to find the farm lady holding a brown rabbit for them to pet while a curious cat and brown hen greet the newcomers.
Near the farmhouse they stop by to feed the ducks and the animals that share the pond--a dragonfly, toad, tadpole, and fish--and see the hen and drake with their ducklings. A quick visit to the henhouse gives the kids a chance to scatter some grain for the hens, rooster, and chicks and gather a basket of eggs.
Next there's a stop at the garden with its many veggies and herbs to gather and garden tools to try out before they have a hands-on visit at the rabbit hutch, the orchard where they pick apples, and a stop for an al fresco lunch and a chance to build an impromptu playground with some handy hay bales. An after-lunch stop at the bee hives yields a sweet treat of honey, but the pigsty smells yucky, and the grumpy billy goat in the meadow gives them pause. Soon, though, a pony ride and a friendly donkey revive their smiles, and a stop at the sheep shed comes just before the most exciting part of the visit--a chance to take turns steering the tractor. Soon it's time to head for home--but not before they load up with jars of honey and some fruits and veggies to take back as mementos.
Severine Cordier's latest in this cozy series, A Day at the Farm
An easy-going introduction for families or preschoolers to those favorite field trips to the farm, this book joins Cordier's earlier day books, Picture My Day
Labels: Farm Animals--Fiction, Farm Life--Fiction (Ages 2-5)
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