Two Can-Can, Too! Cockatoo, Too! by Bethanie Deeney Murguia
What looks like an elegant tropical glade is really a word-play playground as a lonely cockatoo, and one more, too, become two. Yes, and a cockatoo can wear a tutu, and two can wear tutus, and two more in tutus can join the two cockatoos in tutus in a can-can.
Sure they can!
But what about a toucan? Can a toucan can-can, too?
Can a toucan in a tutu can-can? Yes, he can. But then, too, what about two more toucans in tutus? Can those two toucans can-can, too? Can they can-can two-by-two? WHOooo? asks a justly befuddled owl from the treetop.
And can two + two tutued cockatoos can-can like two + two tutued toucans can can-can? Can they all can-can to-gether?
Or can a little canary get the last word?
Bethanie Deeney Murguia's Cockatoo, Too!
Murguia leaves only one question unasked: Can two cocks cock-a-doodle-and can-can in tutus, too?
Or, as Dr. Seuss* has his little straight man conclude...,
*Stop it. Stop it.That's enough, sir.
I can't say such silly stuff, sir.
--Fox in Socks
Labels: Birds--Fiction, Dance--Fiction, Humorous Stories (Grades K-3)
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