Spoiler! Giraffes Ruin Everything by Heidi Schulz
What do you know about giraffes?
They have long necks. They have long legs. They are quiet and gentle.
But that's not all.
Giraffes spoil everything!
Take you average birthday party. The kids are well-dressed and behave nicely. But a giraffe will stick his long neck across the table, and with that long tongue he can lick up most of the cake. No ice cream cone in the room is safe. And that pitcher of punch? One glug down that long throat, and it's history.
At the movies he blocks the view of anyone behind him, all the way back to the last row.
You'd think, wouldn't you, that a giraffe would be an asset at a basketball game. I mean, dunking the ball is a sure thing for a sixteen-foot-tall center, right?
But nobody scores when the giraffe sticks his head up and through the hoop.
Giraffes spoil everything.
Except, maybe when you get your friend's brand-new kite stuck high in a tree, in Heidi Schulz's Giraffes Ruin Everything
Labels: (Grades Preschool-3), Giraffes--Fiction, Humorous Stories
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