Rain Day! This Beautiful Day by Richard Jackson
It's a drippy-droppy rainy gray day, with three kids and a dog listlessly hanging around inside.
But a jazzy song comes on the radio, and they all start moving to the beat.
Everyone dances --and spins,
And swings around.
One kid grabs a toy rabbit and gives it a twirl, and they all start stomping their feet. Now the energy is flowing, and it flows...
Out into the rain!
The kids, one with an umbrella, and their dog skip and jump in the puddles. It's not a bad day at all.
As one kid starts to whistle, they notice that the rain is slowing down and the clouds are floating away. Blue skies call for some cartwheeling across the green grass and playing hide-and-seek under a marigold sun.
What a great day!
High-fiving, and, yes, we're a-live-ing!
It's a perfect day, ending with drippy-droppy, slurpy popsicles, in Richard Jackson's This Beautiful Day
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