Always Room for More! The Big Umbrella by Amy June Bates and Juniper Bates
By the front door... there's an umbrella. It's BIG.
When April showers come your way... whatcha gonna do? Grab an umbrella!
That's just what this girl does. She's wearing her yellow slicker and green galoshes, but it's a heavy downpour and she needs a big umbrella.
But this is not your ordinary umbrella. It's a big umbrella in the usual sense, but it's also the metaphoric big umbrella," capable of extending its coverage to the many and diverse people our girl meets as she walks through the town.
It likes to spread its arms wide.
It loves to gather people in.
And gather it does, a boy in a hoodie and a girl in a tutu and ballet shoes, a Sasquatch with a briefcase and what appears to be a giant duck... and more and more. No one is turned away. Never losing its wide smile, the umbrella expands to shelter them all, even a Basset hound, a baby in a stroller, and three ducklings (who don't much seem to take to rain water, either.)
Some people worry that there won't be enough room under the big umbrella.
But there always is.
This umbrella, whose smile just gets wider as it expands, welcomes all and sundry when they need to come in out of the rain. Sweet without being smarmy, Amy June Bates' just published The Big Umbrella
Labels: City Life--Fiction, Sharing--Fiction, Umbrellas--Fiction (Grades Preschool-2)
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