Moovin' On! Animobiles: Animals on the MOOve by Maddie Frost
How does a LION travel in style?
Does his ride go VROOM! when he wants to ZOOM?
Is a ROAR in store?
Is it a LeoLimo? A LionLimo?
Racing over grassy fields
A tiger-train is on a track.
Families look out the window
As the wheels go clickety-clack!
Do monkeys prefer mopeds? Does a parrot hop a plane? Do salmon esteem submarines when they tire of swimming up those streams?
On open country roads
Cow-cars MOOOve in any weather.
They stop and go for grass,
And always stick together.
There are many options for critter transportation in Maddie Frost's Animobiles: Animals on the Mooove
Labels: Animals--Fiction, Imagination--Fiction, Stories in Rhyme, Vehicles--Fiction (Ages 2-5)
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