Making A Friend: Little Robot Alone by Patricia MacLachlan
Every morning Little Robot put on his tracks:
One by one, tight and strong,
rolling, strolling, all day long.
But first, he pauses to plug in for a full charge and a robot-ready breakfast:
Oats with oozy oil are yummy,
slipping slowly down my tummy.
Little Robot trundles out of his cozy cottage, shaded by a willow and bounded by a blue pond. There are fish leaping, a duckling paddling in the pond, and squirrels aplenty, frisking up and down the tree. It is lovely and peaceful, but still Little Robot is lonely. He needs a friend, but realizes that if he wants a friend, he will have to work at making one.
One night he dreamed of a smooth, shiny shape.
His green bulb glowing, Little Robot assembles sheet metal, screwdriver and wrenches and shapes the friend of his dreams. He gives it a red button nose, pauses, and then presses it.
It's back to the old drawing board for Little Robot. In his workshop he adds a broom tail, some blue marble eyes, and some small treads for each of the four legs. He charges up the battery and presses the red button nose again.
The broom wagged.
Sometimes you have to work at making a good friend, and Little Robot has that friend at last, Little Dog, to be with him all day and rest with him at night, in Patricia MacLachlan and Emily MacLachlan Charest's Little Robot Alone
Labels: Dogs--Fiction, Friendship-Fiction, Robots--Fiction (Grades Preschool-2)
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