Snoring at the Sharemore: There's A Dinosaur on the 13th Floor by Wade Bradford
"Welcome to the Sharemore Hotel," said the bellhop.
"Let me show your to your room."
"The sooner the better," said Mr. Snore. "I am very"--YAWN--"sleepy."
With his viola case and pince nez glasses perched on the end of his schnoz, the guest's eyelids are heavy and he is too weary to notice the two green pythons wrapped around the pillars behind the reception desk. But there is more in store for Mr. Snore at the Sharemore.
This hotel is far more suitably named than Mr. Snore knows. The bellhop shows him to his comfortable room and the ultra-drowsy guest dons his pajamas and lies down to sleep right away.
But then--he hears a soft SQUEEEAK! There's a mouse sleeping beside him on the other pillow. Mr. Snore phones the desk.
"This is Mr. Snore in room 104. Somebody is sleeping on my pillow."
The bellhop apologizes and leads his drowsy guest to a room on the second floor. But just as Mr. Snore drifts off to dreamland, he realizes that there's an unpleasant draft from his nose to his toes.
It seems that he's rooming with a snoring swine who's hogging all the covers.
A call to the desk clerk gets Mr. Snore transferred to third floor, where his ceiling starts to leak. But the next floor finds him sharing space with spiders. The next floor up sports two giraffes with their heads through holes in the ceiling, and the one above that turns out to have a maze of gerbil tunnels. The twelfth floor has no furniture, but it does have the sound of noisy penguins splashing loudly in the bathtub.
Mr. Snore is irate. He calls the desk and announces he going up to sleep on the 13th floor of the Sharemore!
"Oh, dear, no!" said the bellhop. "On the 13th floor is a--"
There's no rest for the weary in Wade Bradford's latest, There's a Dinosaur on the 13th Floor
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