A Winter's Tale: A Big Bed for Little Snow by Grace Lin
When winter began, Little Snow's mommy made a big new bed just for him.
"Now you have warm feathers to sleep on," Mommy said."
"Remember, Little Snow, this bed is for sleeping, not for jumping."
That motherly suggestion is heeded about as much as the famous folkloric advice not to put beans up your nose!
As soon as Mommy goes away, Little Snow jumps. And Jumps. And JUMPS on his bed!
And in the morning when he doesn't hear Mommy stirring, he jumps some more!
Tiny feathers squeezed out of his bed and fluttered down.
This jumping goes on secretly. Mommy never catches him at it, until--
Once, Little Snow jumped so high and landed so hard, he made a rip in his bed!
What a lot of feathers fell that day!
Snowy feathers fill the floor of Little Snow's room, and feathery snow fills the landscape outside.
Did Little Snow do all that? What a powerful jumper Mommy's boy must be. The jig is up with Little Snow's bed, in Grace Lin's latest, A Big Bed for Little Snow
"A wondrous, wintry read." says Horn Book's starred review.
Labels: Beds--Fiction, Mother and Child--Fiction, Snow--Fiction (Grades
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