No Book Killers Allowed? Jasper John Dooley Public Library Enemy #1 by Carolyn Addison
After school Jasper John Dooley and his friend Ori rode their bikes to the library with Jasper's mom.
"I'll be back in ten minutes," Mom said. "Stay in the children's area, okay?"
Jasper and Ori weren't really listening. They were reading a new sign:
3:30 TO 4:30 P.M., Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Molly the Dog was frowning. Jasper decided he was going to pick a book to read that would make Molly look happy.
He picked a very interesting book about making things out of toilet paper tubes. He couldn't wait to start reading it so he would be ready for the next chance to read to Molly. He was in such a hurry that he decides to read in the bathtub. Bad idea!"
Jasper knocked the book into the suds. Dad tried to help by drying the book in the oven with his cheese nachos, but while they are trying out the nachos, the oven made a funny sound:
Smoke was pouring out. The book was burning and Dad grabbed the fire extinguisher. When the book kept on burning, Dad shoveled it out the back door into the rain.
Nobody would ever read that book again!
The book was toast! The only thing readable about the book was its price tag--$25.00!
Ori offered to help Jasper come up with the money to pay for the book. They decide to set up a stand in the front yard to make money.
With butter $1--With butter and Jam $1.50
They had some customers, but their profits did not rise to their projected expectations.
Nobody paid.
Will Jasper ever raise $25.00? Will he ever get to read to Molly the Dog?
Or will he forever be banned in the library as THE BOOK KILLER?
But Jasper John Dooley and best buddy Ori Spivak had learned a few things about business ventures and come up with a KILLER DILLER fund raiser called the READ TO A PET FIESTA HOOPLA CELEBRATION (with Toast!), and all's well that ends well, in Carolyn Addison's laugh-filled installment in this beginning chapter book series, Jasper John Dooley: Public Library Enemy 1
Says Kirkus Reviews, "Another winning entry in an altogether satisfying series."
Labels: Beginning Chapter Books, Books and Reading--Fiction, Dogs--Fiction, Libraries and Librarians--Fiction (Grades 1-3)
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