
Saturday, August 22, 2020

Two By Two! At the Zoo by Beth Johnson

"Let's go to the zoo!" said Mrs. Hall.

Her group of first graders is eager to go. The school bus, with a sign saying To The Zoo, is ready to load.

At the gate to the zoo, Mrs. Hall gives them the plan for the day. She warns them not to go anywhere alone.

"Stay with your buddy!"

Together the kids move into the avian display, where Jasmin and Kendra do a good job of staying together. At the elephant compound Derek and Victor notice that the elephants are staying together as a baby elephant gets a shower bath from the trunks of two adult elephants. At the big cats exhibit, the kids spot a family of lions hanging out together. They move on to another exhibit.
"Look! Monkeys are not alone!" said Mrs. Hall.

Two monkeys wave from a branch at the kids. Everywhere they see animals two by two and three by three or  even more staying together.

And nobody gets lost on this field trip to the zoo, in Beth Johnson's At the Zoo, an early first-grade reader from the set The King School Series - First Grade Collection (60 books) (Townsend Press),

With an easy-going word count of 64 and plenty of visual cues among the drawings by Mark Weber, a diverse group of first graders take one of those "can't-miss" field trips in early childhood education. Books in the King School Series feature both Kindergarten and primary grade pre-reading and early reading primers for emergent readers. Good for classroom prep for a field trip, and for children whose classes are on-line, this book gives them an idea of what a zoo field trip is all about.

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