Happy Campers! Ivy and Bean Make the Rules by Annie Barrow
Five million girls in Girl Power 4-Ever shirts were squirming around the Youth Center, waiting for camp to begin. They hugged each other and squealed. They showed each other their cell phones. They sang. They danced. They giggled.They were all bouncy and happy and busy. School's on break and it's time for "enrichment" camps. At least it is for Bean's sister Nancy. Nancy, pony tail with sparkly scrunchie swinging, was out of the car and joining the crowd of eleven to fourteen-year-olds in those special T-shirts, and for seven-year-old Bean, it's "Puppet Fun" or nothing for her "enrichment experience."
Not cool, thinks Bean. She's going to build a tree house.
But Bean's duct tape and board tree house turns out to be a serious disappointment. Just then Ivy appears with another idea. With her mom's old curtains they make a tent on a limb of a tree in Monkey Park, anchor it with rocks, and plan their own "Camp Flaming Arrow." With the flyer from Nancy's camp, they study the list of possible activities:
Ivy and Bean begin with making friendship bracelets, but Bean's knots get all tangled up and they wind up with Ivy's hand tied together to one foot. A couple of little kids, Harley and Franny, come by and ask to join them, since their aunt has told them stay outside until dinner time. When Bean finally gets Ivy untangled, they all move on to Nature Study, with a lesson on Komodo Dragons. Ivy brings her Komodo catcher (a butterfly net) and they go on a Komodo hunt, which attracts two soccer camp boys, Leo and Juanito, who take komodo catching seriously. They're back the next morning for more Camp Flaming Arrow, where Bean decides to move on to Dance. She pushed thumbtacks into the bottoms of her shoes and tap dances on her mom's giant washtub.
RappityTappity Rappa Tappa Tap! Tap! Tap!! The noise is astounding.
Dogs barked. Cars slowed. The other campers stopped to look.The next morning Ivy and Bean find their tent full of new campers, and their First Aid activity, aided with realistic red paint and more cut-up-curtain bandages, quickly turns into a Zombie Chase all around Monkey Park, where Camp Flaming Arrow picks up several new followers from the Puppet Fun pavilion.
By four o'clock in the afternoon, Monkey Park has a real Zombie Problem!By Friday morning, Camp Flaming Arrow is the most popular activity at Monkey Park, and after Ivy's impassioned reading from Daredevils in Dresses; Heroines of History in which the Briton Queen Boudicca routs the invading Romans, nobody wants to be a Roman. Ivy, as Boudicca, declares that the trash in the park can be the Romans and grabbing assorted sticks for spears, the Camp Flaming Arrow campers cover themselves with glory, right down to the spouting fountain where the last Roman coffee cups take refuge and are vanquished to the trash container.
Camp Flaming Arrow is a roaring success, in author Annie Barrow's and artist Sophie Blackall's Ivy and Bean Make the Rules: Book 9
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