A Plethora of Pets! Fancy Nancy: Oodles of Kittens by Jane O'Connor
As Bree and I split the last pastry, suddenly we hear crying. It's coming from outside!
EE-yewww! EE-yewww!
On a dismally drenching day, Nancy Clancy and her best friend Bree are drowning their sorrows at a tea party in Mrs. DeVine's parlor when they hear an arresting sound. The two throw on their raincoats and dash outside to investigate. The sound is coming from inside Mrs. DeVine's doghouse, Chateau Jewel.
And inside there is a cat! A fluffy orange cat--and oodles of teeny-tiny kittens....
1, 2, 3, 4, 5!
Mrs. DeVine opines that the cat is a stray, with no home, and as she helps the girls carry the little feline family inside, she tells them that a new mother cat is called-- A QUEEN!
"OOH-LA-LA! How fancy!" says Nancy!
Nancy and Bree spend a lot of time after school at Mrs. DeVine's house with the kittens as their eyes open and they begin to chase each other and explore all over. Mrs. DeVine names the mother cat "Maj," short for "Majesty," and Nancy and Bree claim the little white and black kittens--which they name "Sequin" and "Rhinestone," for their own.
Nancy absolutely dotes upon her new pet.
"I shower Sequin with oodles of affection. Taking care of a kitten is a full-time job!"
Nancy is so taken with her new kitten that she has no time for her "old" pet, Frenchy! Frenchy begs and begs, with her food bowl and then her leash in her mouth, but Nancy is to absorbed in kitten care to notice.
But Frenchy is clearly not pleased with the new pet. She growls and barks at Sequin. Nancy can't understand why her dog is not happy with the new member of the family.
Maybe Frenchy is jealous," says Mom. "She sees you giving Sequin so much attention!
You don't remember," Mom adds, "but after JoJo was born, you were very jealous."
Even grown-up dogs get jealous, and Nancy gets it that even "mature" pets need their share of loving care, and when Sequin escapes from the house and can't be found, it's Frenchy's turn to show what good grownup dogs do best, in Jane O'Connor's newest full-format picture book, Fancy Nancy: Oodles of Kittens
Labels: Cats--Fiction, Dogs--Fiction, Family Life--Fiction (Grades Preschool-3)
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