Backstory! I Love Pete the Kitty by James Dean
Before he was Pete the Cat, before he ever went walking in his school shoes, he was little Pete the Kitty.
Pete is a very happy kitty.
Yes! Even when Pete was but a little slip of a kitty, he loved playing on the playground with his buddies. He loved his skateboard, and he already knew how to tune and strum his guitar.
He loved school even when he went in just his plain little paws, without his red shoes.
He loves funny books, bedtime books, and books about tomorrow.
Pete the Kitty loved art class and eating ice cream in the lunchroom. He loved playing in the sand at the beach. And of course he loved his mom, his dad, and Bob, his big brother ...
... Even when he tickled his tummy, in James Dean's newest story,Pete the Kitty: I Love Pete the Kitty (Pete the Cat)
Labels: Cats--Fiction, Friendship--Fiction, Parent and Child--Fiction, School--Fiction (Grades Preschool-1)
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