Who Knew? Weird But True--300 Outrageous Facts
The planet Venus may have one been habitable.
And, yes, some mosquitoes would rather have cat blood. than people blood! (Are they known as Cat-ula mosquitoes?)
One of King Tut's daggers was made from a meteorite. (Did E.T. drop in on an early visit to Tut's house?)
Three hundred weird and wonderful facts are included in National Geographics Kids'compendium of curious and wonderful things, Weird But True! 2: 300 Outrageous Facts
Who knew there is a town in Idaho named "Good Grief" for Charlie Brown? Or that marine scientists use drones called "snotbots" to collect specimens from whales' blowholes? This awesome, actual, and amazing miscellany is full of facts and fun for all ages. Oh, and if you think you can't remember all 300 facts, try listening to Mozart while reading this book. It works for rats learning to run mazes! Strange but true!
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