War of the Sexes! Chicks Rule! by Sudipta Bardhan-Quallen
The science-nerd boy chicks have posted a sign on their Rocket Club:
The girl chicks are more than miffed. They've got tech smarts, too!
Female chicks are motivated to MARCH!
Cool chicks and nerdy chicks
Quiet chicks and wordy chicks.
Biker chicks and rocker chicks,
Science chicks and soccer chicks.
Chicks who draw and chicks who read...
Signs and posters bloom in front of the boys' clubhouses.
Girl chicks realize that carrying signs is not enough for the boy chicks have to get the message. It's time to be proactive! The girl chicks know they have to prove they can get it off the ground. And do they know the way to operate? Yes! Chicks know how to cooperate.
To mount their own space race, each chick must take her place. The chicks pitch in to raise their gantry and build their spacecraft, wing to wing, and....
Chicks of different flocks and feather,
Work to reach the stars together.
Their launch is successful, and it's no surprise that the No. 1 Nerd Boy Chick hastily makes a small change in his Rocket Club's sign:
It's the old war of the sexes, a boys against girls story, with some fun play on the word "chick" to mean girl, in Sudipta Bardhan-Quallen's second book in series starring her cute chick kids, Chicks Rule!
"I am woman, hear me peep!" quips Kirkus Reviews.
Barden-Quallen's other books include Tyrannosaurus Wrecks!: A Preschool Story,
Labels: Chickens--Fiction, Stories in Rhyme (Grades K-3), Women' Rights--Fiction
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