Opposites Attract! Perfect by Max Amato
This page is perfectly clean, just the way I like it!
Eraser is a stickler for the old tabula rasa, the bright white page. No drawing! No doodling. Where they appear, he's ON it!
So when Pencil appears, sharp and slick, he is definitely persona non grata.
Squiggles, BE GONE!
And smudges!
To Pencil a blank page is an invitation. He scribbles, he squiggles, he fills the page with oodles of doodles of graphite as far as the eye can see. He draws rows of pencils, phalanxes of pencils, marching forward, filling the page with forests of trees, all destined to become even more pencils! Eraser is literally livid!
HEY! No pencil can mess with me!
Eraser sweeps forward to obliterate every vestige of line. Pencil draws himself into spaceship blasting toward the sun, but Eraser gives chase, erasing Pencil's contrail, leaving bits and vestiges of himself behind on the page--eraser dust.
Eat my dust!
Victorious, Eraser admires his once more blank white page. But--WAIT! He's worn down to a nub and out of a job. What good is an eraser with nothing to erase?
Ying, meet Yang! Eraser and Pencil realize that they are better together, a serendipitous synchronicity, made for each other so to speak, in Max Amato's just published Perfect
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