Getting in the Swim! Nugget and Fang Go to School by Tammi Sauer
Whenever the other fish in the sea saw Fang, they'd panic.
"Don't worry, guys!" called Nugget. "Fang's a vegetarian."
Most fish never stuck around long enough to find out for sure.
First days are hard. Everyone feels like a fish out of water on the first day of school, and for a big, toothy shark, it's certainly a different kettle of fish!
Still, little Nugget and his friends the Mini-Minnows are eager for Fang to matriculate with them at Mini-Minnows Elementary.
But this kind of school is new to Fang. His teeth are chattering.
"I think I'm seasick!"
But his buddy Nugget grabs him by a fin and pulls him inside to introduce him to their teacher, Mrs. Crab.
"She looks crabby!" whispers Fang.
And Fang's first day-jitters are not helped when he feels like a shipwreck at reading. He's a bottom feeder at math, he sinks at science, he's not smart at art, he flounders in music, and then it's time for show-and-tell! Fang feels like a failure with nothing to show off, until he looks at Nugget's big smile.
Then Fang finds he has one thing to brag about--
From preschool to post-grad, first days mean learning to swim with a new school, and Tammi Sauer's funny, finny undersea story of first-day jitters, Nugget and Fang Go to School
Labels: First Day of School--Fiction, Fish--Fiction, Friendship--Fiction (Grades Preschool-2)
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