Oh, Yeah? The Pigeon HAS to go to School by Mo Willems
Why do I have to go to school?
Pigeon is being oppositional.
Wait! School starts early in the morning? No way!
You know what I look like in the morning!
Pigeon is adamant that he doesn't need school!
Of course, it's obvious to everyone but himself that Pigeon is scared of starting to school. He has a million What Ifs. The teacher may not like him. He may not like the teacher. What about those school lunches? Nobody likes them! What about those ginormous backpacks they make you carry? There is too much stuff to learn! Like math! All those numbers. He has only one big eye, you know!
At last, Pigeon admits the truth:
The unknown stresses me out, Dude!
What Pigeon needs is a place to go to get used to school first.
OH. Like Preschool and Kindergarten.
And, WAIT! Pigeon is going to get to ride on the big yellow school bus? He is ON IT! He's even driven one, sort of!
Mo Willems' best-selling The Pigeon HAS to Go to School!
Labels: Fear---Fiction, First Day of School--Fiction, Humorous Stories, Pigeons--Fiction (Grades Preschool-1)
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