The Art War! Fern and Horn by Marie-Louise Gay
Fern loves to draw flowers and butterflies, birds and bees, caterpillars and orange trees.
Her brother Horn wants to draw, and he wants to use ALL her crayons. But he's not good at flowers--or caterpillars.
His caterpillars look like striped snakes.
"Elephants! I'm good at drawing elephants."
But Horn's giant elephant tramples all of Fern's flowers. So Fern draws a whole sky full of stars, a tree full of cut-out paper stars.
"Can I make some stars, too?" asks Horn.
But Horn is not good with scissors, so he makes a giant torn-paper polar bear who gobbles up Fern's stars. Fern is piqued with his polar bear, so she captures cardboard boxes and constructs a castle that is elephant- and polar bear-proof. But Horn attacks the castle with a fire-breathing dragon.
Fern is ready. She throws a handful of chocolate chip cookies at the dragon.
Maybe it's time for a truce in the arts and crafts war for the day, in Marie-Louise Gay's Fern and Horn
“A dazzling romp celebrating childhood and imagination.” says Booklist's starred review.
Labels: Art--Fiction (Grades Preshool-3), Brothers and sisters--Fiction
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