What's Not to Love? Angelina Loves by Helen Craig
Angelina loves dancing with her friends.
But dancing isn't the only thing Angelina loves....
In fact, Angelina loves doing things with her friend Alice--riding the Ferris wheel and visiting the Haunted House at the fair, watching Alice do handstands, and riding their bikes together--even if some of the country roads get a little bit too bumpy....!
And Angelina loves it when her best friend Alice takes the time to teach Angelina's little cousin Henry how to try out ice skates with them. And when Sammy and Spike interfere with their day, Angelina learns to love skating with the boys when they show them how to do tricks and skate backwards.
It's all better together, and Angelina loves her family best of all--all of them--Henry, Mom and Dad, Grandma and Grandpa, and even though she's sometimes a little jealous of her little sister, Angelina loves Polly, too. In Helen Craig's appropriately pink little Valentine's card to her Angelina fans, Angelina Loves (Angelina Ballerina)
Labels: Ballet--Fiction, Friendship--Fiction (Grades Preschool-2)
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