Anger Management: Ravi's Roar by Tom Percival
Ravi was the smallest in his family...
... even Biscuits the dog seemed bigger.
When the family sets off on a picnic, Ravi finishes last in the run to the train. And that means he has to share a seat with Dad and Biscuits. When his brothers and sister play hide-and-seek, he's too short to spot anyone.
He can't reach the climbing bars and he's too small for the Big slide. Ravi is getting angry!
Dad tries to cool his ire by suggesting ice cream cones for all. His big brothers and sisters run to the ice cream vendor. So when Ravi and Dad got there...
... there was NONE left!
Ravi had HAD it!
Ravi was FURIOUS!
He sprouted sharp pointy teeth,and stripy orange fur!
Ravi ...
His big brother gingerly handed over his ice cream cone. Everyone else got out of his way!
Ravi liked having the power of a tiger. He did anything he wanted. He slid down the BIG slide and nobody said anything. He liked being a scary tiger! But then Ravi noticed no one would come near him.
There wasn't anyone who dared to play with him! Now what?
This might be a good time to say SORRY, in Tom Percival's Ravi's Roar (Big Bright Feelings)
Share this one with Percival's other funny but sensitive books in this series, Ruby Finds a Worry (Big Bright Feelings)
Labels: (Grades Preschool -3), Anger--Fiction, Brothers and sisters--Fiction, Family Life--Fiction
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