Who Wrote the Book of Love? Pete the Cat's Groovy Guide to Love by Kimberly and James Dean
So are we supposed to take advice on LOVE from a blue cartoon cat?
Pete the Cat gets by with a little help from some pretty good gurus on the subject, from Picasso to Confucious, Audrey Hepburn to Oliver Wendell Holmes, from Paul Tillich to Paul McCartney, from Elizabeth Barrett Browning to Pierre Beaumarchais, from Virgil to Van Gogh.
There are some of the best words of wisdom in Pete's list, each given its own page:
"If you want to be loved, be loving." -- Ovid
"Love is friendship set to music." -- James Campbell
"Love is patient. Love is kind." I Corinthians 13: 4-8.
Kimberly and James Dean's Pete the Cat's Groovy Guide to Love
Based on the style of Kimberly and James Dean's earlier Pete the Cat's Groovy Guide to Life,
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