Pass It On! The Pink Hat by Andrew Joyner
First, there wasn't a hat.
Then, there was...a pink hat.
Knitting by her window overlooking a busy street, a woman knits and knits until her knitting turns into a cozy pink hat, which she promptly stretches out to use as a foot warmer. But soon the woman drops it into her knitting basket and goes off to make herself a cup of tea.
But the hat doesn't stay there long. Her cat pounces on it, and bats it around... until he pushes it over the windowsill.
The wind catches the hat and blows it into the branches of a tree, where it catches the eye of some kids. One girl climbs the tree, but it is hard to reach the hat.... until the hat shakes loose and falls right onto a baby in a passing stroller, where his mother tucks it snugly around him and moves on.
That is, until... the baby gives a wiggle and a dog swipes it and makes a run for it. But when the dog gets bored and drops it, a girl passing by with a violin case rescues it.
The girl washed the hat ... and dried the hat.
She wore it again, and again, and again.
But that's not the end of the hat's adventures. It becomes a boxing glove, a mask for whomever is IT in hide-and-seek, and even a paintbrush sack... until....
She wore her pink hat,
And everyone else wore one, too!
The girl and dog join many women and some boys and men wearing pink hats in a crowd with signs that say GIRL POWER and WOMEN'S RIGHTS ARE HUMAN RIGHTS, while the woman and her cat watch the parade go by from her window. It's not just a hat. It's a movement!
Andrew Joyner's The Pink Hat
Labels: City Life--Fiction, Hats--Fiction, Knitting--Fiction, Lost and Found Possessions--Fiction (Grades Preschool-3)
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