Spot's Got Game: Spot Plays Soccer by Eric Hill
Spot's having a super summer. He's gotten in the swim with his pals at the local pool, and now he's ready to take to the sunny field for more sports fun.
"Let's use our backpacks as goal posts!" says Tom.
They've got a field, they've got goals, and soon all the friends are ready to get in the game.
Will Spot make his shot? Will he score?
On that great big field, with everyone running around and balls flying and bouncing here and there, some kids find their first time in the game a little intimidating, but starting out with your best buddies in a pick-up game is the way to get your kicks in the game. All it takes is a ball and two feet and they've got what it takes. And soon Spot, Tom, Steve, and Helen are showing all their young fans how it's done, in Eric Hill's board book, Spot Plays Soccer
Labels: Dogs--Fiction, Soccer--Fiction (Ages 3-6)
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