Nothing Like a Noodle Tale! Noodleheads Find Something Fishy by Tedd Arnold, Martha Hamilton,. and Mitch Weiss
"Hey, Mac! Someone threw away this perfectly good fishing stick!!"
Mac and Mac, the Noodlehead brothers, aren't too smart, but they know a fishing rod when they see one.
"I wish we knew how to fish," said Mac to Mac.
"We can learn," said Mac to Mac.
That's a dubious statement, but first the not-overly-bright brothers have to figure out how to get the fishing rod home to show to Mom. Carrying it horizontally, they soon discover that they can't get it through the opening in the hedge around their house, until Mac finds the solution and breaks the rod into two pieces.
Now it can catch twice as many fish!
Mom is only too happy to shoo her little noodleheads off for an fishing expedition with sack lunches, and suggests they find some water and look for a school of fish.
Fish go to school? They must be smart.
"Wait! Fish live in water?"
The Macaroni twins have a lot to learn about fish and fishing in Tedd Arnold's latest, Noodleheads Find Something Fishy
For this one, folklore storytellers Martha Hamilton and Mitch Weiss provide age-old noodle tale tropes and Arnold supplies the silly illustrations shown in comic book style panels and in easy-reading text. Despite their, er, ill-conceived schemes (or perhaps because of them), Mac and Mac are Theodor Seuss Geisel Honor Award winners for their Noodleheads See the Future.
"A must-buy for graphic novel collections," says School Library Journal'sstarred review, and Kirkus Reviews puns "Fans won't want to miss the boat on this one."
Labels: Beginning Readers, Fishing--Fiction, Wit and Humor--Fiction (Grades 1-3)
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