Shopping for Spud Slacks! Potato Pants by Laurie Keller
Potato is a tuber who aspires to be a sartorial star. When he sees a sale flyer for high-fashion pants at Lance Vance's Family Pants Store, he knows he's gotta be there early. As the ad says...
"Once they're gone, they're GONE!
But Potato is no saggy-baggy-bottoms kind of guy.
"I want a stripey pair just like the ones in the window, with stripey suspenders for added stripey-ness!"
Potato's heart is set on a pair of haute couture Tuberto pants. However, Potato is not the only stripey pants shopper on the premises.
Eggplant has staked out a claim to the only pair of stripey pants that fits Potato. Eggplant snatches them up and threatens Potato, who's intimidated by threats of being mashed.
If he had potato boots he'd be shaking in them.
But the big-bottomed Eggplant has miscalculated the fit of the stripey pair, and when he pulls them on, there's an embarrassing RIP in the rear. Can Potato step in and score the ripped pants after all?
In her Potato Pants!
Labels: (Grades K-3), Clothes--Fiction
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