Logo-Pilferers Beware! The Word Pirates by Susan Cooper
It was early morning on the pirate ship.
"W O R D S!"
roared Captain Rottingbones.
The Pirate King is ravening, and his crew releases their logo-hunting birds to ravage the shore-dwellers morning newspapers and steal author's manuscripts right from their typewriters, to feed their prey of fresh words to the Captain and crew.
Captain Rottingbones grabs and gobbles down the biggest word--antidisestablishmentarianism--for himself, while his crew fill their cereal bowls with bites like fib and pop and zip that stay crunchy in milk.
But Rottingbones' big maw is never filled. He cruises the oceans of the world, pillaging books and pulling words right out of the storytellers' mouths.
Still, Captain Rottingbones' logo-lust only grows more insatiable.
He had learned of a Word Wizard, a zany New Zealander, whose stories would be extra delicious.
He licks his large lips as he orders his mateys to set the sails for the South Seas, where the Word Wizard flourishes and delicious words flow fast from her lips and perfect from her pen.
And Rottingbones releases his voracious Bumblebirds to peel her tasty word morsels right from her pages. The story circle kids are first bemused, then confused, perplexed and then VEXED.
The Wizard was furious. So were the children.
"GIVE US BACK OUR WORDS!" the children yelled.
"WORDS ARE PRECIOUS!" the Wizard cried.
The Pirate Captain draws his cutlass. This is WAR. But the Word Wizard knows the pen is mightier than the sword, and she peppers the pirates with a scattering of Fi, Fie, Fos, a rapid fire of Rabbit Holes, and a barrage of Wild Rumpuses. And the story stealers are bested, their brains all a-buzz with stories!
What amazing things words could do if you didn't eat them!
And with their treasure trunk loaded with the seeds of literacy, the pirate ship sets sail, the world now safe for letters and syllables (and even Latin roots) and imagination blooms with all the words that are and can yet be, safe in books...
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Words are the winners in this collaboration of superstars, multi-Newbery-winning author Susan Cooper (for The Dark Is Rising series) and noted author-illustrator Steven Kellogg, The Word Pirates
Labels: Books and Reading--Fiction, Pirates--Fiction, Storytelling--Fiction, Vocabulary--Fiction (Grades Preschool-3)
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