It's a Hard Job, But Someone's Got to Do It! Up On Bob by Mary Sullivan
It's naptime for Bob the wiener dog.
In the quiet bedroom the bed is made up neatly, with two bedtime toys neatly side-by-side on the pillow. There's a lot of work to do to get it ready for the nap. But that's okay with Bob.
Bob is on the job. The lovey toys get the deep six--overboard. The bedtime book and lamp likewise.
Hard work is Bob's middle name. He pokes his pointy nose under the coverlet and roots around until he can crawl under it, his head on the freshly plumped pillow, ready to sleep the day away.
But Bob can't sleep. He senses that he's being watched.
Someone's white paws, pink ears, and whiskers appear beside the bed. Oh, no! Bob does not need a bed buddy!
Bob feigns deep sleep, his eyes resolutely closed, willing the nap interloper to disappear. And she does--momentarily. But then--
Bob's ruse is no use. Someone walks on Bob. Someone kneads his head and licks his ear! Someone gives Bob a full-body massage. Someone else has a strong work ethic. And Someone's dedicated work...
It's a perfect catnapping place, pre-warmed, crafted to perfection, in Mary Ball's Up On Bob
Ball's funny page-by-page pacing and skilled but simple line and color endow both pets with ample personality as they make peace for the sake of the NAP, one goal they share. This is a great one for emergent readers, a sure pleaser for reading aloud, and even sleep-inducing for bedtime, a new picture book not to be missed.
Labels: Cats--Fiction, Dogs--Fiction, Sleep--Fiction (Grades Preschool-2)
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