Oh, YEZZZ! Fly Guy's Amazing Tricks by Tedd Arnold
Buzz's best buddy Fly Guy has learned some new tricks to amaze and delight his neighborhood friends.
"Get ready," said Buzz. "NOW... the BACKSTROKE!"/
Fly Guy swims the backstroke across the bird bath.
Then he demonstrates the "Dizzy Doozy," flying in a spiral around a girl's head. She's dizzy, but she's not delighted.
Luckily, just then Buzz's mom calls him to supper. He can't resist showing off Buzz's new tricks to his parents. Buzz does the backstroke in Mom's milk. He does the Dizzie Doozy around Dad's head. And for his finale, he does the Big Booger, hanging from Dad's nose.
Buzz's parents are not delighted either.
So after dinner Buzz takes Fly Guy outside.
"I have an idea," he tells Fly Guy. "Do your tricks only when I say NOW!"
Just then a big kid comes along, slurping a milkshake.
"Are you talking to a bug, Bug Brains?" he sneers.
"Answer me, NOW!" yelled the big kid!
"YEZZZ!" said Fly Guy.
Fly Guy goes into action. He backstrokes in the big kid's milkshake, does the Dizzy Doozy around his head, and the Big Booger on his nose. Grossed out, the big kid staggers backward, right into a garbage can, which turns over and releases reinforcements--a swarm of a zillion unhappy flies who chase the bully until he's out of sight.
It's another case of an unlikely friendzhip, as Fly Guy once more savezz the day, in Tedd Arnold's Fly Guy's Amazing Tricks (Fly Guy 14)
"Arnold's distinctive and expressive black-dotted, ball-eyed characters and occasional plays on words will keep young readers smiling and rooting for this duo," sayzzz School Library Journal.
Labels: Beginner Readers, Flies--Fiction, Friendship--Fiction, Pets--Fiction (Grades Preschool-3)
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